
Archive for the ‘Sports’ Category

What, you think every post has to be about bulimia?  Feh on that. 

Had my first ski outing of the season recently.  It’s funny to watch myself go through the beginning of each season.  Having only skied for the first time a few years ago, I’m still a relative newcomer, though I’m definitely improving steadily.  I love it!  I love zooming down the slopes, love being outside in the winter setting, the trees, the blue sky, the bright snow (though it’s also fun, albeit tough to see, to be out while a soft snowfall is happening), love conquering my fears of the mountain and feeling the exhileration of making it to the bottom in one piece, and even taking my tumbles (I’ve yard-saled more often than I care to count), which lets me know I’m still pushing my boundaries, which beats playing it safe any day.  It’s been a lot of fun to watch myself go from that scared-to-death first outing at our local ski hill (more a glorified speed bump than a hill) to where I was at the end of last season — feeling quite solid on most blue runs and even tackling a few black diamonds.

Still.  I envy those who have been skiing most of their lives, as they seem to have an instinct about their skiing that I have yet to acquire.  For me, it’s still very much a conscious, analytical, rehearsed process.  I have to think about technique because my inclination is often to do exactly the opposite that will enable me to ski with control, and without that sense of technique and control, fear takes over and I do even worse.  And while by the end of the season much of this analysis typically gives way to a sense of natural, mastered movements, it all seems to reset itself at the start of the new season, as though my brain’s and body’s slates have been wiped clean, and I have to re-learn everything all over again.

That is, until now!  For the first time, I can honestly say that my first outing actually felt intuitive, where I didn’t have to think about my movements, I could just ski.  What a great feeling that was!  Unfortunately, it was hampered by my ongoing problem with my boots — too small, I need to get new ones.  But what a great feeling to sense that my body is finally retaining its skills from eight months ago!

So I guess this is testimonial to the fact that even if you find yourself a slow learner at something, with perseverence, sooner or later you WILL begin to master the task!

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