
Archive for the ‘Pre-packaged vs. homemade’ Category

I’m excited, I very much enjoy East Indian cooking and have long wanted to incorporate it into my regular menu.  Problem  is, I tend to jump a little too eagerly onto the bandwagon with these things:  the last time I thought about doing this, I bought a cookbook, a bunch of hard-to-find ingredients (mostly spices I had never used before), and set out to educate myself on authentic East Indian meal preparation.  And while the sumptuous descriptions and exotic recipes captured my imagination and beguiled my romantic side…..I never really advanced forward from the “reading” and into the “doing” phase.  Typical me!  Too much thinking, too much preparation/planning.

So that idea faded into the woodwork a long time ago.  UNTIL…..on a recent trip to the grocery store with my husband, we happened upon the “international foods” aisle, and lo and behold, they have pre-packaged East Indian dishes, ready to heat in much the same way you find American rice and other dishes.  Eureka!  Now granted, I don’t for one moment kid myself that this is any equivalent representation of what I might experience at the local East Indian restaurant or even by my own homemade efforts.  But whatever gets the ball rolling, right?

So tonight’s dinner will be Kashmir Spinach, and I could not be more excited!  We’ll see where this goes…..

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