

I'm 40 years old, live in the northern midwest. My interests include running, skiing, cooking, wine, coffee, and dancing. I love all kinds of music, from classic rock (love AC/DC Led Zepplin) to relatively current stuff (U2 and Kylie Minogue are two examples), from 80's pop (confessed fan of Duran Duran and Sting) to gems from the 60's (yeah, I can still listen to the occasional Monkees hit) and 70's. Love Booker T and MG's and similar sounds. But I especially enjoy various world/international genres. Bossa nova, flamenco, French or Italian lounge music, African drums, Celtic tunes...these are what you're likely to find me listening to for pleasure. Having always been an athlete in one way or another, I love to exercise and train, and try to do so every day. I do it because I love to move, not to obsessively manage my weight. I would never knowingly ignore my body's limitations and put it at risk; I always take a rest when I sense my body needs it (which thankfully, isn't very often). But I also love to push myself, to set new challenges, to feel my heart pumping, my muscles toiling, my breath intense. And because this is a blog about (at least in part) eating disorders, for the record I'm 5'6", and my weight fluctuates between 125 and 128. I have weighed more, I have weighed less, but this is where I have been for many years, and I'm happy with it.

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